You’ve decided it’s time to start a family. Shouldn’t it be oh too easy like they made it seem in sex ed? Anyone who has struggled to conceive knows, infertility can be a hard journey. You’re probably reading this because you want to optimize your fertility and improve your odds of having a baby. Well, I got answers for you.
It’s difficult to understand what treatments are right for you. Before you spend thousands on IVF or other expensive treatments, it’s always best to make sure your foundational health considerations are covered. The good news is that it’s relatively simple, natural and noninvasive.
Here is what you should do first to boost your fertility and set the stage for a healthy pregnancy:
Take the Right Supplements
The right supplementation can make all the difference on the fertility journey. There are naturally occurring powerhouse herbs and adaptogens that have been proven to boost fertility. Here are the superstars:
- Ashwagandha: Regulates hormones and the immune system. Lowers stress, anxiety, cortisol levels and food cravings. Improves energy levels, cognitive function and concentration. Enhances sexual performance health.
- Chasteberry: Decreases levels of prolactin, which in return balances out estrogen and progesterone. Reduces PMS and menopausal symptoms, heavy periods, migraines, and acne. Also used as an infertility treatment for women. Studies of over 5,000 women have found it effective.
- Shavatari: Helps regulate cycles, relieve menstrual cramps, balance hormones, and addresses polycystic ovarian syndrome, oocyte quality, follicular growth/development and infertility
- Black Cohosh: Early research suggests that taking black cohosh daily can increase pregnancy rates in infertile women. Black Cohosh promotes a strong, healthy uterine lining which is crucial to getting and staying pregnant.
We recommend Ladywell’s Fertility Supplements to support your fertility. Ladywell's Complete Fertility Plan the most comprehensive way they offer to support your chances at getting and staying pregnant.
- Fertility + Egg Health: CoQ10, folate, and key ingredients to support ovarian function, egg quality, fertility outcomes, and promote healthy conception.
- Daily Hormone Balance: Adaptogenic stress and cycle support. Designed to support your hormone balance and response to stress for healthier, more predictable cycles.
- Prenatal Multivitamin: Key, essential nutrients for before, during, and after pregnancy. Formulated to help both you and your baby thrive.
B Vitamins
B Vitamins balance hormone production, help promote egg health and prevent ovulatory infertility. Experts believe that B vitamins may give sperm a quality boost as well so make sure your partner is taking the right supplements as well.
A vitamin B deficiency can create estrogen imbalance contributing to fertility issues, fatigue and mood swings. In the Nurses Health Study— a large, long-running public health study — a higher intake of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12 was associated with lower risk of ovulatory infertility (an ovulation disorder that causes infertility).
Some studies have linked low levels of vitamin B12 with female infertility. Plus, a 2015 study found that having higher levels of B12 and folate may enhance fertility in women undergoing infertility treatment.
A B-complex multivitamin can provide adequate amounts of many, if not all, of your daily B’s. We recommend Ladywell’s Daily Hormone Balance as your daily supplementation to increase your fertility. Its comprehensive formula contains the most powerful natural ingredients to get you pregnant faster.
Amino Acids
Amino acids play pivotal roles in hormonal secretion and synthesis. Deficiency can result in fertility issues as well as many other health issues. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are essential to human life. Our bodies create some amino acids on their own, but others must be consumed through diet. Two amino acids commonly added to fertility supplements are L-arginine and L-carnitine.
L-arginine might improve blood flow to the uterus and ovaries. Studies on the possible benefits of L-carnitine have been small, but it might improve sperm motility (movement) and morphology (shape).
We recommend Ladywell’s Daily Hormone Balance as your daily supplementation to increase your fertility. Its comprehensive formula contains the most powerful natural ingredients to get you pregnant faster.
Follow a Fertility Diet
Published by a team of Harvard researchers, the "Fertility Diet" study— found women with ovulatory infertility who followed this eating pattern had a 66% lower risk of ovulatory infertility and a 27% reduced risk of infertility from other causes than women who didn't follow the diet closely.
The fertility diet is:
- Less trans fat and more monounsaturated fat (from foods such as avocados and olive oil)
- Less animal protein and more vegetable protein
- More high-fiber, low-glycemic carbohydrate-rich foods (including whole grains)
- More vegetarian sources of iron and fewer meat sources
- Multivitamins
- High-fat dairy instead of low-fat dairy
In general, you want to eat a good amount of and a varied types of vegetables daily. You want to eat healthy monounsaturated fats instead of saturated and trans fats, making at least half your grains whole, and getting enough calcium-rich foods — including dairy — will help you meet nutrient needs and promote a healthy weight.
Eat eggs daily. Packed with protein, loaded with Vitamins B12 and E, and often enriched with good monounsaturated fat like DHA, eggs are frequently cited among the most effective foods for promoting your fertility. Eggs are also a great source of iron which is important to increasing your fertility.
Track Your Menstrual Cycle
Getting pregnant is simple and complicated all at the same time. It’s helpful to understand how your body works in order to set yourself up for a quicker journey.
You should monitor whether the first days of your periods are regular or irregular. Meaning if it tends to occur the same number of days apart every month or if you cycle lengths vary from month to month. By tracking this information on a calendar, you can better predict when you might be ovulating. Ovulating is the time every month when your ovaries should be releasing an egg allowing you to get pregnant. Your egg is fertile for only 12 to 24 hours after its release so it’s important to make sure you are having sex during the fertile window. Sperm can survive in a woman's body for up to five days so there is a chance of becoming pregnant if you have sex outside of that 12-24 hour window.
We strongly recommend period tracking apps. The iphone allows for basic period tracking within the health app. For more advanced period tracking apps we recommend:
Eve by Glow: Best Overall Tracker
Ovia: Best for Trying to Get Pregnant
MyFLO: Best for those with Irregular Periods
Period Tracker Period Calendar: Best for First-Timers
Clue: Best for the Newly Birth-Control Free
Glow: Best for Data
Cycles: Best for Couples
The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider before making any changes to your health regimen, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking any medications.